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We have established relationship as client of Lizzie since Nov, 2013, it’s through her knowledgeable and approachable service and guidance that we were growingly more and more interested in real estate property in Barrie.  She performed highly professionalism and prompt response on each and every of our questions and concerns, whether or not we called her or email to contact her, questions were addressed completely and without worries and no blank left for us as we were first time real estate investor.

Whenever and wherever we need guidance and consultancy of her expertise and procedural knowledge as help us to make decisions and proceed with execution to land our transactions smoothly, specifically in Barrie City, her information of market analysis and relevant successful examples started our interests in real estate assets in Barrie.

We had our own mortgage financing services, however we appreciated very much Lizzie’s recommendations of legal service and home inspection services and we are comfortable and satisfied with these services we were utilizing now.

Through her arrangement and She always working wisely with client interest in mind,  with her professional communication and negotiation skills so far we had already settled 2 investment transactions.

Summarize our total experience working with Lizzie, we can state that its pleasurable working with Lizzie and we trusted her professionalism and judgement.

Hereby my sincerely thanks and with our best regards, and looking forwards to have spectacular business prospect working with you,  Lizzie.

All the Best,

Cathy Lin and Karl Zhou

Jan 2014


Hi Lizzie,

You did a great job in helping us find the right property for investment. We know all the good things you did by heart.  I will certainly recommend you to my friends and share with them my good experiences with you!

Happy holidays to you and your family!

John W.

December 2013


We have had a great experience buying investment properties with Lizzie. She is very approachable, and always pick up phones when I call her. She will patiently answer all my questions.

Lizzie has given us a lot of advice when buying our first investment property. Her advice is very crucial to us as we are starting from scratch.

When we found a good investment property, Lizzie worked hard on the same day we spotted the property in negotiating with the listing agent. I believe we got a very good deal on that house.

Lizzie not only help us negotiate a good price in our favor, but also provided us all the information she has to help us on mortgage financing, legal service, home inspection, and rentals.

We had a great experience working with Lizzie and I am looking forward to work with Lizzie in furture.

Ming Y.

November 2013


We got to know Lizzie after reading an interesting article from a real estate journal we picked up

in a supermarket. What attracted us most was that Lizzie had started her real estate investment

about 10 years ago, and had accumulated enormous amount of knowledge and experience ever

since. She is a successful real estate investor turned real estate agent. She also has such a natural

talent in explaining investment theory in very plain language that could connect with pretty much

everyone who is concerned about his/her own investment plan.

We continued to read many articles Lizzie published in these journals and her web site, and felt

like she really could help people who seek realistic and tangible return on a long-term investment.

We engaged with Lizzie soon afterwards, and immediately we were starting to look for our

investment property.

During the process of searching for our investment property, we learned a lot from Lizzie about

the city of Barrie, the various kinds of properties around, and the nice locations / communities

that are worth investing. Lizzie has in-depth knowledge about Barrie, and she answered all our

nitty-gritty questions with confidence. In addition, we felt that Lizzie was very honest in analyzing

the pros and cons of each property to ensure we have will be able to make a sound and informed


Lizzie’s negotiation skill is another concrete asset that you wish your real estate agent has. After

all, as an investor, you would like to buy a nice property with a nice price. We were so happy to be

informed by Lizzie that she settled an unexpectedly good price for the property we bought.

We felt fortunate to make friends with Lizzie who is professional, honest, hard-working, attentive

to customers’ needs, and very knowledgeable in real estate investment.

Wayne W. and Jean K.

Oct 2013



Hi Lizzie,

Thank you so much for your assistance with our house search in Barrie.
Without your excellent knowledge of the local market and your
professional support, We wouldn’t have been able to found such a great
house wthin such a short period of time.  We truly appreciate
everything you have done for us.  We will definitely contact you again
if we ever plan to make another investment in real estate in future.

Hang & Lisa

September 2013






为了让买家有购买的欲望,Lizzie详细地指导和设计了屋内装潢。因为我们当时还没有车子,出行很不方便,Lizzie又不辞辛苦地帮我们购买了新的灯具,并请人来帮我安装。然后Lizzie又来为我们免费做了Home Staging, 换上了漂亮的床罩,靠垫,挂起了高雅的油画等,并告诉我看房的注意事项。比如要注意保持屋内整洁,不能有私人物品摆在外面,屋内不能有异味,最好点上香蜡,让客人有马上就想住进来的欲望,等等非常详细和专业的建议。同时她又在网上和报上推出了广告和介绍我们房子的文章。



最后在一个真正想买的客人下offer后,Lizzie为我们在几个小时内和买方经纪来回交锋了好几个回合,为我们争取到了最大的利益。在present offer途中,Lizzie再一次展示出她的专业知识和才能,她向买方详尽地列出了我们房子装修所花的费用,比较最近成交的同一楼里和我们相似房子的状况和价格,有理有据地跟买方经纪交涉,说服客人。最后客人同意了我们提出的价格。可是客人提出的交房日期和我的新房交房日期有一段空缺,我不得不要搬2次家,Lizzie又为我去争取了一些搬家费用。随后她又去和我们新房的卖家商量能否提前交房,让我们能尽早住进新家,过上安定的生活。


W. Zhang & J. Lee
July, 2013

Lizzie has been amazing as our realtor as she guides us through our house buying process.  She is punctual, extremely professional, and incredibly knowledgable of all the real estate areas in Toronto. She was patient teaching us the process from beginning to end, and work tremendously hard to make the transactions as smooth as possible. You would be fortunate to get the opportunity to work with Lizzie and I would highly recommend her.

Founder of Corsoree / Consultant for Strategic Coach

June 2013



我和先生在年初的时候,开始搜寻关于房产投资的信息。在一个投资杂志上读到了关于 Barrie 这个小城的投资特点。刚巧,在周末的房产投资报纸上,读到了Lizzie的一篇文章,专门介绍 Barrie 的几个投资故事!非常相信缘份的我便动员先生和 Lizzie 约见一下。没想到,见面之后很谈得来我们在那个周末就开始和 Lizzie 一起看房。

在接下来的几周合作过程中,我们两夫妇感觉很愉快。细情掠过,总结几点我们认为是 Lizzie 的特点:

  • 非常敬业。 看房前的工作做得很足, 对于我们的需要了解得比较恰当。这样她带我们看的房子,便基本上符合我们的要求,但又不失每个房子的特点,给我们的选择空间很大。
  • 非常专业。

Lizzie 对于她所从事的职业有很好的认知,整个投资过程,几乎每一步都可以从她那里得到很好的建议,甚至是推荐。从验房师,到律师, 甚至修房的合同工,她都有资源可以提供给我们。而她的推荐绝不是随意找的熟人,她会很仔细地介绍给我们,被推荐人及他的服务的特点是什么,以便我们自己决定是否可以合作。

  • 非常耐心。对我们的问题,反馈得非常及时。有时已经很晚了,但为了不让我们失去任何机会,Lizzie 也会不辞辛苦地往返两家。
  • 非常守信。Lizzie 从不食言,她答应我们要办的事情,总是如期甚至是提前完成。经由她的努力,我们才得以在短短的不足一个月的时间里, 顺利地完成了在 Barrie 的第一个投资。
  • 非常诚恳。Lizzie 从不给人说空话的感觉。你询问她对于房子的优缺点的看法,她会很实际地讲出她的感受,最好的是,她的看法有很多非常与我们的合拍。
  • 从不催促。认为 Lizzie 是一个我个人非常愿意与她合作的经纪,很大的一点在于,她从不给你任何压力,从不给人任何急于促成交易的感觉。

我们把 Lizzie 看成是我们的, 有丰厚专业知识的顾问; 可以为我们争取利益的代表;更是一位我们愿意结为朋友的人。

Lisa and Edward

May 2013


We are very fortunate to have met Lizzie; it was chance – reading an article in a newspaper led to an energetic discussion on the phone, which led to a series of well thought out and qualified showings of excellent properties (and multiple purchases).

Lizzie makes you feel as though you are a partner of hers – her preparation is meticulous, her smile and energy infectious, and her knowledge and intellect top-tier.  She brings vivid examples based on her lengthy experience which help to guide thought; she listens to your needs and opinions and adjusts quickly; she then works tirelessly on behalf of you, in very difficult situations to get to the bottom line.  Lizzie does not just know her market from a superficious level – she completely understands her market and everything surrounding her market. She is extremely driven and fast-paced – it is rare that we find people that are at a similar pace as compared with us, however, we meshed instantly with her and her husband.

We have indeed worked hard together with Lizzie to narrow our target – after doing so, Lizzie has brought spectacular examples of our precise needs.  When we sent Lizzie in for a series of tough negotiations, she came through with flying colours.  We truely believe that we needed her presence in order to secure what we have done – we needed her moderating influence on the selling parties which balanced our approach and messages perfectly.  When you are happy and have accomplished your goal, you feel that she is genuinely as happy as you – it is our absolute pleasure to provide Lizzie the highest recommendation for her work as a professional real estate agent.

Herman Y.

April 2013



Jasmine R

March 2013


Lizzie is a sweat girl. she has many years experience in real estate investing. she likes to share her knowledge and experience with her clients and give a good help to you. she is a hard worker and will do her work even during holiday or weekend.

– Jane T

Feb 2013




Chuan H.





在买自住房的过程中,我看好了一套意藉西人的房子。由于出现competing offer,Lizzie为我准备好offer后,不顾劳顿,当晚与卖方经纪和房主见面进行谈判。最终在当天夜里12点前说服了卖方,以我预算内的价格竞得这套房子。不但如此,Lizzie还乘胜追击,进一步说服房主随房附送了全套意大利进口卧室家具和餐厅家具。附送价值上万的家具的确让我喜出望外,而后也令卖家后悔不已。Lizzie的谈判能力和与人沟通的技巧不光体现在与卖方谈判方面,在协助我和银行谈贷款,以及和律师沟通等方面,她的谈判能力都令我备感钦佩。



Dong L.



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